
Our lab works in the area of virus immunology. The goal is to understand the development of long-term sustained humoral immunity. The research is focused on understanding the dynamics and biology of CD4+ T cells, mainly “follicular T helper (Tfh) cells”, in the settings of long-term immunological memory. Our research program on virus infection vs controlled human vaccination provides a unique opportunity to identify the positive attributes of sustained immunity. We are integrating deep immunophenotyping, T-cell functional assays, immunogenomics, and metabolomics approaches to investigate the biology of Tfh cells in longitudinal cohorts of individuals with virus infection and vaccination. For mechanistic investigations, we use the Tfh cell ex-vivo setup and the antigen-specific/transgenic mouse models. While the lab’s research has focused on exciting questions, we have made contributions outside of the core research efforts of the lab.  We have established a “Human Immune Monitoring and T-cell Immunoassay” platform, with applications for the advanced immunological human trials of vaccines. The global aim of our research is to provide foundational knowledge for the rational design of human vaccines.


Dr. Nimesh Gupta
Chief of Laboratory

Bhushan S Nikam
PhD Scholar

Someshwar Nath Jha
PhD Scholar

PhD Scholar

Bhavya Ahuja
PhD Scholar

iBRIC PhD Scholar

PhD Scholar

PhD Scholar

Eileen Kaur

Prakhar Varshney

Ananya Banerjee

Inderjit Singh
Senior Technical Officer

Sudipta Das
Technical Officer

Lab Feed


Research Programs

Tfh cells in long-term sustained immunity in vaccination and infection.

Japanese encephalitis is a major socio-economic concern for our country. Though few vaccines exist for JE, they have limitations in developing effective long-term protection. By studying the immune response to the historical live attenuated SA14142 JE vaccine, our lab has helped in establishing the mechanism of protective immunity conferred by the vaccine (Eur J Immunol, 2020). We are investigating the longitudinal cohort of licensed human SA14-14-2 live attenuated Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine and JE patients in the northeast region of India. The aim is to define the characteristics and clonotypes diversity of human Tfh cells in sustained immunity established in response to vaccination and natural infection. We have found that the quality and durability of humoral immunity is more enriched in JEV infection than in vaccination.

Research Strategy for exploring the biology of Tfh cells in infection vs vaccination.

There are interesting leads that indicate the key role of Tfh cells in the magnitude and durability of humoral immunity against JEV. We are in the process of probing the unique traits of JEV-specific Tfh cells in functional T cell immunoassays and by employing single-cell RNASeq and the metabolomics approaches. In a parallel study, we are also trying to understand the immunological reasons underlying non- responders (~18%) to live attenuated JE vaccine. We are applying integrated analyses approach with transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics for an in-depth understanding of the underlying immunological determinants. We have found a metabolic association with no response to vaccination. Further in-depth investigations are in progress in the JEV challenge and immunization animal models.

Biology of Tfh cells in humoral immunity establishment to dengue virus

In this program, our attempts are focused on understanding the contribution of Tfh cells and related subsets in driving the B cell output and antibody response in dengue. Dengue is an interesting model to understand the T-cell determinants of humoral immunity development. We are exploring the biology of Tfh-cell and related T-cell subsets in various outcomes of the dengue virus infection. Our current report from the patient cohort provides an insight into the cellular basis of antibody responses to dengue virus. We provide the first evidence of a peripheral T helper subset that showed the phenotypic resemblance to Tfh cells, and also the traits of help to B cells. We have developed a highly efficient antigen- specific T-B co-culture assay for measuring the T-dependent B cell responses, which work with as low as ~90 Ag-specific T cells (Cell Report Methods, 2022). We found that the novel Th-subset can provide help to B cells, has the potential of driving plasmablasts differentiation and induce the IgG production, as efficiently as the bonafide Tfh subset. We further observed that the novel Th-subset can induce productive cross-talk with both the naïve and memory B cells. We are now progressing to understand the transcriptomics landscape and the clonotype diversity of this newly identified CD4 + T cell subset at the single cell level, using 10X genomics platform. We also intend to develop a transgenic mouse model to further explore the origin of this novel subset.

Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination

Understanding the T-cell immunity to SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination is important to develop effective pan-coronavirus vaccines. We reported within a few months of the pandemic that the Indian population seems to have high  magnitude of the cross-reactive T cells that existed before COVID pandemic and may be generated due to exposure to common cold viruses.  The high level of cross-reactive CD4+ T cells prior to SARS-CoV-2 infection perhaps explains the less severe disease and lower rates of hospitalization in India (Frontiers Immunology, 2021). We are now conducting detailed investigations on the T cells in individuals who recovered from COVID-19 (Asymptomatic and mild) and received vaccination.

We recently provided the first evidence of the immunological effectiveness of the inactivated whole-virion COVID-19 vaccine COVAXIN®. We found that the vaccine induces robust immune memory to SARS-CoV-2 that was comparable with that following SARS-CoV- 2 infection in the levels of antibodies, memory B cells and memory T cells, up to 6 months post-vaccination. and variants of concern that persist for at least 6 months after vaccination. Although the SARS-CoV-2 variants may substantially impact the vaccine-induced antibodies, the T-cell response were highly preserved. Interestingly, the vaccine is not capable of inducing CD8 T cells and they are substantially impacted by the variants. We also found that the vaccine generated Tfh cells that are endowed with B cell help potential, similar to the Tfh cells induced after natural infection. This study provides important knowledge for evidenced-based policymaking on the future application of COVAXIN ® (Nature Microbiology, 2022). We are now extending these studies to understand the biology of Tfh cells in cases of sustained immunological memory.

The study determined the immunological effectiveness and immune memory responses at least up to 6 months after immunization with indigenous COVID-19 vaccine “Covaxin”, and compared it with the recovery after natural infection. (Vikkurthi, R et.al., 2022. Nature Microbiology 7: 974-985).

The study determined the immunological effectiveness and immune memory responses at least up to 6 months after immunization with indigenous COVID-19 vaccine “Covaxin”, and compared it with the recovery after natural infection. (Vikkurthi, R et.al., 2022. Nature Microbiology 7: 974-985).

The study reported that COVID-19 vaccine “Covaxin” induced a robust immune memory against spike and nucleoprotein that was comparable with that following SARS-CoV-2 infection in the levels of antibodies, memory B cells and memory T cells, up to 6 months post vaccination. It also highlighted that the SARS-CoV-2 variants will impact the antibodies generated by vaccine, however, the T cells are not affected and may respond robustly against the variants. (Vikkurthi, R et.al., 2022. Nature Microbiology 7: 974-985).

The study reported that COVID-19 vaccine “Covaxin” induced a robust immune memory against spike and nucleoprotein that was comparable with that following SARS-CoV-2 infection in the levels of antibodies, memory B cells and memory T cells, up to 6 months post vaccination. It also highlighted that the  SARS-CoV-2 variants will impact the antibodies generated by vaccine, however, the T cells are not affected and may respond robustly against the variants. (Vikkurthi, R et.al., 2022. Nature Microbiology 7: 974-985).

An Efficient immunoassay for the humoral immunity function of T cells.

An Efficient immunoassay for the humoral immunity function of T cells.

There are several limitations in studying the human immune system. Particularly, the sample volume used to be a major limitation for performing multiple cellular analyses at the antigen-specific levels. Therefore, we continue to attempt on developing the immunological tools that can help us to examine the biology of antigen-specific T cells. In the similar efforts, we have recently described a  highly sensitive and efficient T-cell assay that can measure the B cell help function of memory CD4 + T cells, with as few as ∼90 T cells. We have also provided mechanistic details of this enhanced method, which will be helpful in the widespread use of this assay in various vaccine and infection models including COVID-19 vaccines, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Dengue etc. (Cell Reports Methods, 2022, Indian Patent). Utilizing this assay, we are now dissecting the crucial determinants of the productive cross-talk between T cells and B cells. We believe that the efforts will open up new avenues of research in the area of T-cell and B-cell collaboration.

Human Immune Monitoring and T-cell Immunoassay Platform

While the laboratory’s research has focused on the exciting questions summarized above, we have made contributions outside of the core research efforts of the lab. We have established a “Human Immune Monitoring and T-cell Immunoassay” platform, with applications for the advanced immunological human trials of vaccines and biotherapeutics. The platform includes a variety of assays for measuring antigen-specific T cells and B cells in human blood – quantitation of virus-specific T cells, T-cell phenotype, T-cell functions, quantitation of polyfunctional T cells, measurement of anti-viral T cells, T-cell ability in developing humoral immunity, quantitation of virus-specific memory B cells (IgA, IgM and IgG + B cells) etc. This is a significant contribution to vaccine research in the country. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the platform was instrumental in generating scientific evidence for the T-cell immunity to Covid-19 vaccines and supporting the policy making for vaccine implementation. When the vaccine efficacy studies were not feasible, this platform was instrumental in conducting the immuno-bridging phase 3 clinical trial under industry-academia partnership for testing intranasal COVID- 19 vaccine “iNCOVACC” in generating the systemic and mucosal cell-mediated immunity (CTRI/2022/02/039992). The platform was also used for the interchangeability trial of Japanese encephalitis vaccines. Moreover, the tools are now available for evaluating the dengue vaccine candidates for their ability in inducing the long term and good-quality humoral immunity.

Research Strategy for exploring the biology of Tfh cells in infection vs vaccination.

Human Immune Monitoring and T-cell Immunoassay Platform.

This platform includes the advanced human immunology techniques for human trials of
vaccines, biotherapeutics and the antivirals.

The immunoassay for the selection of promising vaccine candidates by testing their ability to induce potent T cells and humoral immunity.

The immunoassay for the selection of promising vaccine candidates by testing their
ability to induce potent T cells and humoral immunity.

The SARS-CoV-2 Pseudovirus setup.

The SARS-CoV-2 Pseudovirus setup.

The SARS-CoV-2-Spike expressing Pseudoviruses. It includes both the lentivirus based and the VSV-backbone based pseudo viruses for measuring the virus neutralizing antibodies in infection and vaccination in BSL-2 settings.





Awards and Honors

2023   Best Poster Award to Mr. Bhushan Nikam (PhD Scholar) in the American Association of Immunologists Meeting, 11-15 May, 2023 at Washington DC,USA.
2023   Healthcare Changemaker Awards under the category ‘Legend’ conferred at ‘Healthcare Changemakers Conclave-2023’ for contribution to the healthcare landscape in India.
2022   Mid-Career Immunologist Oration Award for the Year-2022 by the Indian Immunology Society for the contribution in the area of “T cell immunity to vaccines”.
2022   Expert panellist and speaker, India Vaccine Leaders Conclave, Mumbai, India.
2021  Young Scientist award, India International Science festival-2020.
2020   Early Career Faculty Award by The American Association of Immunologist.
2019   ADVAC Fellowship for Advance vaccinology certification by University of Geneva, Switzerland and The Merieux foundation, France.
2019   Moderator in DBT-NIAID NIH Vaccine Adjuvant Science Collaborative Meeting.
2018   Expert panelist in the conference on Role of Innovative Technologies in Vaccine Development at Hilleman Laboratories, MSD-Wellcome Trust, New Delhi.
2018   Invited speaker at International Symposium on Infectious Diseases held at Regional Center of Biotechnology, Faridabad, India.
2016   The Martin Villar Award for pre-clinical research by World Federation of Hemophilia.
2016   Global Health Travel Award of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
2016   Discussion leader and speaker in Antibody Biology and Engineering Gordon Research Conference in Galveston, Texas, USA.
2016   Expert Speaker in Infant Immunology session of the immunology symposium conducted under the aegis of Indo-U.S. Vaccine Action Program, New Delhi, India.
2016   Ramalingaswami Fellowship of Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India.
2016   Ramanujan Fellowship of Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India (not availed)
2015   Guest speaker at Faculty of Medicine Université François Rabelais, Tours, France.
2014   Plenary speaker in the European consortium of Pediatricians-PedNet, Barcelona, Spain.
2013   Young investigator award by International society on thrombosis and haemostasis, Netherlands.
2013   Speaker and travel grant by European Federation of Immunological Societies for International Congress of Immunology, Italy.
2010   Speaker and travel grant by Department of Science and Technology, India, for Asia Pacific Congress of Infectious Diseases, WPCCD, Singapore.
2008-2010 Brig. KM Rao Award for best publications in Biological Sciences in Defence R&D Establishment, India.
2008   Raman-Charpak Fellowship Institute Pasteur, Paris of Indo-French scientific Consortium.
2006   PhD-Fellowship from Defence Research & Development Organisation, India, at national level.
2003   BCIL-Fellowship Biotech Consortium India Limited of Department of Biotechnology, India.
2003   Gold medal Master of Science in Birla Institute of Medical Research, India.
2002   Scholarship Master of Science 2nd sem by Education society, Gwalior, India.

Times Of India June 2022

Study checks how effective vaccines are against Covid-19

Times Of India Nov 2021

Covaxin offers protection against multiple variants: Study

India News Online Nov 2021

Covaxin offers protection against multiple variants: Study

The News Facts Nov 2021

COVAXIN Protects You From Multi- Covid-19 Variants – New NII study

The New Indian Express July 2022

Single-dose vaccine may be enough for people who have recovered from COVID, says study

Times Of India March 2021

Common cold virus saved lives in India


Cold-virus saved lives from corona virus in India, says Research

Times Of India Dec 2020

Common cold cross immunity has been protecting Indians in low fatality rate worldwide

The Logical Indian June 2021

Single Dose Jab May Be Sufficient For People Who Have Recovered From Mild COVID: Study

The Telegraph Online July 2022

Covaxin protects recipients from severe Covid-19, say researchers

Vigyan Prasar June 2021

Science and Technology Efforts in India

The Week Jan 2021

Strain spotting

The Week Feb 2021

Over 56% people in Delhi have COVID antibodies, but experts advise caution

Vigyan Samachar Aug 2020

NII Scientists uncover an exceptional role of CD8+ T cells in shaping the
protective antibody response to a human flavivirus vaccine

India Science Technology and Innovation 2020

T-cell Immunology of COVID-19 infection and vaccination

Department of Science and Technology

Covaxin can help in controlling the virus load of SARS-CoV-2 & its variants, reducing disease severity: Study

Press Information Bureau, Government of India

Covaxin can help in controlling the virus load of SARS-CoV-2 & its variants, reducing disease severity: Study

    • “T cell immunity to Covid-19 vaccine"   at 14 th Asian Federation of Biotechnology Reginal Symposium, Regional Centre of Biotechnology, Faridabad, India, 2023
    • “T cell response to virus and vaccines"   Molecular Immunology Forum, Jim Corbett National Park, India, 2023
    • "Vaccine immunology"   in the CME programme at the Department of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics, NEHU, Shillong. 2023 
    • "Immunology and Vaccine Development: How to Deploy Immunology for Developing Highly Effective, Durable-Immunity and Broadly Protective Vaccines"   at the 13 th Vaccine World Summit, 28-29 March 2023, Pune, India. 2023
    • “Vaccine Immunology"  in the CME programme at the Department of Health Research (MoHFW) supported training program at MGMARI, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry. 2023
    • “Development of T-cell based Bioassays”   n the Biosimilar Workshop-2023 organized by CSIR-Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai. 2023
    • Invited talk in the 5th Prof. V. V. Modi Memorial lecture and One day National Seminar at the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat. 2023
    •  “Variants, Boosters and the Future of COVID-19 vaccines”   at the Venkateshwara College, South Campus, Delhi University, New Delhi. 2023
    • "T cells immunity in infection and vaccination"    Indian Immunology Society Mid-career immunologist oration at 49 th Annual Conference of the Indian Immunology Society, Chandigarh. 2022
    • “T cells in virus infection and vaccination: Lessons for vaccine development”     in a conference organized by Association of Clinical Biochemists of India, New Delhi. 2022
    • "A Tfh-like T helper subset drives antibody responses to dengue virus"   in a IUBMB Focused meeting on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of RNA Viruses, Regional Center for Biotechnology, India. 2022
    • “How Immunology will lead the development of future vaccines : lessons and tips for the successful expedition"   in the India Vaccine Leaders Conclave held in Mumbai, India. 2022
    • “An efficient immunoassay for qualitative assessment of T cells: A new parameter for vaccine evaluation"   in 48th Annual Conference of the Indian Immunology Society. 2022
    • "Immunology of vaccine"   in the webinar organized by Varahamihira Science forum, Chennai, India. 2022 
    • "A deep dive into the immunology of vaccine"   in the International Day of Immunology symposium organized by AIIMS, New Delhi, India. 2022
    • “Non-specific effects of vaccines"  in Vaccinology CME of the Indian Academy of Paediatrics conference PEDICON-2022. 2022
    • “Current and future of vaccine immunology”   in the Launching Ceremony of the BRICS Vaccine R&D Center and Workshop on Vaccine Cooperation. 2022
    • “Immune memory to an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine”   in International symposium on COVID-19: Delta, Omicron and Beyond at the National Institute of Immunology, India. 2022
    •  “T-cell response to inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine”   in 47th Annual Conference of the Indian Immunology Society. 2021
    • "Cellular immune response in COVID-19: The T-cell Story"    in the 5 th Annual Conference of Society of Inflammation Research. 2021
    • Invited expert in National (Sansad tv) television program (2021) on “Perspective –COVID shadow on routine immunisation”.  
    • "Pandemic and its impacts"   New Delhi. October, 2020
    • “A Dive into the Immunology of COVID-19 Vaccines"   at Manav Rachna International Institute, Faridabad  June, 2021
    • “A Deep Dive into the Immunology of COVID-19 Vaccines"   at Miranda House, University of Delhi May, 2021
    • "Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2"   at  IIT Roorkee  April, 2021 
    • "Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2"   NII, New Delhi April, 2021
    • “Immunological Memory to SARS-CoV-2: The T cell story"  at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi  April, 2021
    • “COVID-19: A status on the vaccine and therapeutic development”   International webinar of Asian Federation of Biotechnology  March, 2021
    • “Immunological memory in SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination”   National Institute of Biologicals, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Noida March, 2021
    •  “A deep dive into the COVID-19 vaccines and its immunology”   in the Bose institute, Kolkata January, 2021)
    • "Immune memory in mild COVID-19 patients and unexposed donors from India reveals persistent T cell responses after SARS-CoV-2 infection"    New Delhi December, 2020
    • “Immunity and infection: in the context of a pandemic”     Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, Ministry of Ayush, New Delhi October, 2020
    • "Pandemic and its impacts"   New Delhi. October, 2020
    • “Advances in Bioprocess Technologies, with theme: Biotherapeutics and Vaccines”,   CSIR-IMTECH, India. (2020)
    • Human Immunology workshop   at Translational Health Science and Technology Institute, Faridabad, India. (2019)
    • "Role of Innovative Technologies in Vaccine Development"  Hilleman Laboratories, MSD-Wellcome Trust, New Delhi. (2018)
    • "Infectious Diseases",  Regional Center of Biotechnology, Faridabad, India. (2018)
    • "dengue virus infection in India",  International Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi. (2018)
    • The Summer Undergraduate Research Program   at ACBR, University of Delhi. (2018)
    • 5th Molecular Virology meeting  at the NCR Biotech Science Cluster, New Delhi. (2017)
    • Antibody Biology and Engineering Gordon Research Conference   in Galveston, Texas, USA. (2016)
    • Infant Immunology Symposium,  Indo-USA Vaccine Action Program, New Delhi, India. (2016)
    • "Infant Immunology"  Rural Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, India. (2016)



JEV global network Symposium, Pasteur Foundation, Japan
Diwali 2023
Diwali 2023
Lab Diwali Party – 2022
B’Day Cake
Lab Christmas Celebration
NII Campus
With Prof. Stanley Plotkin
With Prof. Stanley Plotkin
Prof. Stanley Plotkin , Geneva, 2019
French Embassy Visit, 2018
ScienceSetu Program with school kids, 2018
With kids in Science Setu Program
With kids in Science Setu Program
ScienceSetu Program with school kids,2018
Prof. Rafi Ahmed Visit
Prof. Rafi Ahmed Visit
Prof. Rafi Ahmed Visit, 2018
Flow Cytrometry Workshop – 2019
VIL Team
VIL Team
With team on Immunology Today Symposium,2019
Prof. Rafi Ahmed Visit, 2018
Lab Diwali Celebration, 2019